Dr. Subadya Sees Immediate Pain Relief for His Patients with the emFieldPro
– A to Z News Video + Bonus Interview with Dr. Kornelius Subadya
“[emFieldPro] uses electromagnetic, very deep penetration – without disrobing – and is very comfortable. And patients will usually feel pain relief immediately, right after the treatment.”
Read the Q&A and then scroll below for the video featuring Dr. Kornelius Subadya
By Regina West; December 1, 2022
Scroll down for video.
The emFieldPro is an exciting new addition to Dr. Subadya’s office in Alhambra, California, and he is very pleased with the results he has seen in his patients. In this video (scroll down to view), Dr. Subadya demonstrated the treatment and showed how using the machine is very straightforward. His patient, in this case, had presented with low back pain, so for the treatment, the patient rests prone on the treatment table, with their back facing up. The machine’s static applicator gently pulsated on the patient’s back, while Dr. Subadya controlled the magnetic power output with a central knob on the device. There was no discomfort for the patient.
This is High Energy Inductive Therapy (HEIT), with the power of up to 3 Tesla, so it’s a technology that works even through layers of clothing. Since no direct skin contact is needed, it’s a very efficient and comfortable therapy because no disrobing is necessary. This makes it a treatment that can be easily done on a lunch break.
Deep cell penetration is achieved with the incredible magnetic field power of the emFieldPro, which carries a magnetic power 600 times stronger than a normal magnet. In an interview done later with A to Z News, Dr. Subadya expressed how he is particularly happy with the penetration capacity of the machine, as it can penetrate to levels that his previous machines could not. (Scroll down for the full interview below.) The magnetic energy is delivered to the patient’s body via pulses. So, when placed on targeted pain points, the emFieldPro palpates and stimulates the nerve cells, muscles and blood vessels, improving cell health. Patients generally experience immediate pain relief, which can continue to get better with each successive treatment.
By delivering energy to cells, the emFieldPro activates the electrochemistry of the cells, and actually increases the energy of the cell membrane. This helps the cell return to a healthy state so it can perform its normal function in the body. The advantage of the emFieldPro is that all of this is done without any harmful side effects. The nerve cells, muscles, and blood vessels are all stimulated through strong pulse waves without loss or negative change to the organs or bones. Treatment is painless and harmless.
While demonstrating how the machine does its job, Dr. Subadya explained that it works, “by using the magnetic field to treat the back, neck, muscles and joints of the body by releasing pain relief chemicals into the body. And the patient usually feels very comfortable during the treatment, and pain relief right after the treatment.”
The therapies that can be done are numerous. The emFieldPro can treat muscle spasms and a wide variety of other conditions that can cause discomfort. It improves blood circulation and range of motion. Treatment can also help muscle re-education and prevent muscle atrophy (great for rehab and athletes recovering from injuries who don’t want to lose training gains).
The doctor decides the treatment protocol, and the system allows practitioners to create “favorites”, saving their treatment programs for different patients. Treatments last between 1 and 60 minutes (with the average duration of 20 minutes) and can be mostly unattended.
Dr. Subadya provided this video and comments about Zimmer MedizinSystems’ emFieldPro without receiving compensation of any kind.
A to Z News Interview with Dr. Kornelius Subadya of Alhambra Back & Neck Pain Center
A to Z News: For how long have you been practicing chiropractic care?
KS: My undergraduate training was in Health Science at Loma Linda University. My Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology and my Doctor of Chiropractic were received from Cleveland Chiropractic College in 1983. I graduated magna cum laude and entered a group practice in Monterey Park and started my own practice in 1988.
A to Z News: And for how long have you been incorporating emFieldPro HEIT therapy into your treatment?
KS: I started with the emField treatments about 2 months ago. It’s high-tech and convenient, as the patients don’t need to disrobe and it’s mainly unattended. That makes it very comfortable for the patients and doctors.
A to Z News: For what indications do you use emFieldPro?
KS: Mainly for joint pain and muscle pain.
A to Z News: For which conditions have you had the best, most successful outcomes?
KS: All the indications get great results.
A to Z News: How long does a typical emFieldPro treatment normally take?
KS: approximately 20 mins
A to Z News: How many treatment sessions does it usually take for patients with pain to get results?
KS: Some patients experience immediate pain relief after the first EmField treatment. That doesn’t mean the underlying condition is healed. It normally takes around 10 sessions to get the patient completely healed, depending on the issue, of course.
A to Z News: Are there any features that you especially like about the emFieldPro?
KS: I’m impressed that the emFieldPro penetrates to a depth that other modalities like shockwave and e-stim can’t reach. Also, it will penetrate through clothing without energy loss. It’s also great for the doctor and patient that, as I mentioned before, the patients don’t need to disrobe. It adds another level of efficiency and comfort.
A to Z News: Does having the ability to treat with High Energy Inductive Therapy help your clinic to attract more patients or tough cases that others cannot successfully treat?
KS: Yes, definitely. With this therapy we’ve successfully treated chronic muscle spasms of the low back and neck areas that were unsuccessful with other treatments.
A to Z News: What kind of feedback do you get from patients whom you’ve treated with emFieldPro?
KS: They feel it is a very comfortable and relaxing treatment.
A to Z News: Is there anything notable that anyone has said to you specifically in regards to their treatment with electromagnetic field therapy?
KS: The majority of patients state that the pain level improves significantly right away and gets better and better after each session.
A to Z News: Do you ever use combination therapy with the emFieldPro and other modalities or treatments? If so, what are they and what are the benefits of using them together?
KS: Sometimes, if it is needed. Although we mainly use emFieldPro as a stand-alone therapy, we have combined it with traction / decompression. In this case, I normally do the decompression therapy first. And after the patient has been on the decompression table for several minutes, I finish with the EmField treatment. But both ways work great, in my experience.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to watch the emFieldPro treatment demonstration video by Dr. Subadya
About Dr. Subadya & Alhambra Back and Neck Pain Center
Dr. Kornelius Subadya is a licensed Chiropractor located in Alhambra, California. His undergraduate training was in Health Science at Loma Linda University. Later, he received a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Cleveland Chiropractic College. Has has continued to update his studies on the human body with post-graduate certificates and training from a number of institutions, including: the San Diego Spine Research Institute and The Foundation for Athletic Research and Education. He is a state-appointed Qualified Medical Evaluator and Disability Evaluator, and a Business Industrial Chiropractic Consultant. Additionally, he is trained in accident reconstruction and whiplash injury. With patients, he uses what he calls a, “whole-person approach” focusing on the patient’s life holistically, to potentially identify areas where life can be adjusted or where interventions might be needed to reduce pain or optimize health.
The Alhambra Back and Neck Pain Center offers chiropractic care, nutritional counseling, spinal & postural screenings, physiotherapy, massage therapy, corrective exercises, and lifestyle advice. To learn more about their practice and services, visit the website at www.drsubadya.com
About emFieldPro by Zimmer MedizinSystems
emFieldPro is a High Energy Inductive Therapy (HEIT) device. The non-invasive system, manufactured by Zimmer MedizinSysteme, generates a magnetic field of up to 3 Tesla, which is about 600 times stronger than a normal magnet. This strong magnetic field stimulates nerve cells, muscles, and blood vessels. emFieldPro is FDA-cleared for treatment of clinical indications such as muscle spasm relaxation, prevention or retardation of disuse atrophy, increasing local blood circulation, muscle re-education, immediate post-surgical stimulation of calf muscles to prevent venous thrombosis and maintaining or increasing range of motion.
emFieldPro therapy offers full and painless penetration. The system provides both static and dynamic applicators for flexibility in treating different pain and trigger points. No-contact transducers eliminate any need for patients to disrobe, facilitating a comfortable therapeutic experience.
For over 50 years, Zimmer MedizinSysteme, the German parent of the American company, Zimmer MedizinSystems, has been an innovator in the field of medical device manufacturing. Their engineering excellence has resulted in the exemplary emFieldPro device, taking HEIT to new heights.
For more information about the Zimmer MedizinSystems emFieldPro device, please view a web overview of the product. You may also contact Zimmer MedizinSystems any time by phone or email.