Chiropractor, Dr. Sheps, Uses emFieldPro to Achieve “Immediate Results and to Accelerate the Rate of Healing”

– A to Z News Article + Video with Dr. Michael Sheps

“[emFieldPro] helps those conditions that are resistant to other modalities and treatments.”

Scroll below for the video featuring Michael Sheps, DC

By Regina West; June 1, 2022

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Dr. Sheps treatment demo with emFieldPro

Michael Sheps, DC specializes in traditional chiropractic adjustments, pain management protocols, and medical technology research. Over a year ago, he integrated the emFieldPro HEIT device at Pacific Coast Sports Medicine to help treat patient injuries. HEIT stands for High Energy Inductive Therapy. emFieldPro generates a magnetic field of up to 3 tesla, which is about 600 times stronger than a normal magnet. This strong magnetic field stimulates nerve cells, muscles, and blood vessels.

In the A to Z News video below, Dr. Sheps stated that he treats with emFieldPro “to get rapid, immediate results and to accelerate the rate of healing.” During a follow-up interview, Dr. Sheps explained that the electromagnetic fields of emFieldPro non-invasively and painlessly penetrate cells, tissues, organs, and bones, activate the electrochemistry of tissues, and improve cell and cell membrane function. He remarked that typical treatments with this technology last about 20 minutes and have led to very successful outcomes and significant pain relief for acute and chronic conditions. “Most patients get immediate results,” said Dr. Sheps. emFieldPro has had a positive impact on his practice, he says, because this “state-of-the-art and proven technology” can treat tough cases. “It helps those conditions that are resistant to other modalities and treatments,” he added.

Formerly an athlete himself, Dr. Sheps is passionate about supporting a roster of world-class athletes who rely on him for pain relief from sports injuries. He uses innovative and multidisciplinary technologies to treat their pain and keep their bodies performing optimally. In a 2012 Deseret News article, former NBA player and current coach, Earl Watson, lauded Dr. Sheps for helping him bounce back to the basketball court after an ankle injury. The article reported that Watson said he felt “no pain” following therapy by Dr. Sheps. (Genessy, Jody “Utah Jazz notebook: Laser treatment worked for Earl Watson.” Deseret News, Feb 4, 2012.) “He’s amazing. He’s incredible. He’s helped me throughout my whole career,” continued Watson. Dr. Sheps’ website contains further testimonials from a Who’s Who of the athletic elite. Some of his patients have included record-setting runners like Carmelita Jeter, Dominique Arnold, Felix Sanchez, and Allyson Felix, as well as members of US Olympics teams, NBA, NFL, and MMA.

A to Z News visited with Dr. Sheps while he treated actor and former NFL player, Fred Dreyer (pictured below), with the emFieldPro device. While Dr. Sheps did not specifically discuss Dreyer’s treatment, during his A to Z News video (scroll down) he described a typical spinal treatment, similar to the one pictured here. “For thoracic spine, you can use the surgical arm. Place it on the small of the back, either in the seated position – if the patient is comfortable prone, put it in the thoracic spine… I split the treatment up: upper thoracic / lower thoracic. People get a tremendous amount of relief.”

Fred Dreyer & Chiropractor, Michael Sheps with emFieldPro
Fred Dreyer & Chiropractor, Michael Sheps

Dr. Sheps treats Fred Dreyer with emFieldPro
Dr. Sheps treats Fred Dreyer, actor & former NFL player with emFieldPro High Energy Inductive Therapy

Dr. Sheps also demonstrated treatment with emFieldPro for neck and shoulder pain. “emField is a great alternative, or even a primary modality for cervical pain,” he noted. “You can treat trigger points… I like to go into the upper part of the thoracic spine, up the spine, base of the skull, the suboccipital muscles. And you do 20 minutes, hands-on treatment using the 2 ½-tesla handpiece… Our patients that have the scapula winging… you can initiate some muscle movement and move the scapula and it feels great with the 3-tesla handpiece.”

Dr. Sheps uses emFieldPro to provide pain relief for a myriad of conditions. “[emFieldPro is] very good for garden variety low back pain, fantastic for neck pain. Acute and chronic neck conditions. Shoulder, excellent, excellent modality for shoulder, elbow, wrist, fractures. Fractures that are healing by nonunion, it’s a great indication for that. Knee pain, all kinds of tendinopathies of the ankle and foot.”

While he frequently treats with emFieldPro as a standalone, Dr. Sheps also uses the device in combination therapy. “I can use it in addition to other modalities to augment the treatment with laser, chiropractic manipulation, physical therapy,” he said. During the A to Z News follow-up interview, he elaborated. “I use the emField with laser therapy, EPAT & Focus shockwave [AKA: Extracorporeal shockwave therapy], stacking modalities to obtain and enhance the physiological effect.”

One of the benefits of treating injuries with emFieldPro’s electromagnetic field, said Dr. Sheps, is that patients enjoy the treatments. “With the emField, the feedback from the patients is quite positive,” he commented. “It’s very comfortable. It’s relaxing. The patient feels like they are getting a modality that penetrates deep enough to get some problems down in the joint deep muscle.” He continued, discussing patient compliance with emFieldPro treatments. “Patients find it very relaxing, sometimes even falling asleep during the session. After a treatment, they don’t mind repeating the emField. Although, you know, it typically is a cash modality, patients are certainly willing to pay for this modality because the outcomes are good, the relief is immediate, and we also see some sequential, improvement, incremental improvement with treatments for several treatments before it starts to plateau.”

“So, good outcomes,” Dr. Sheps concluded, “comfortable, safe and effective, no side effects. We like it!”

Dr. Sheps provided this video and comments about emFieldPro by Zimmer MedizinSystems without receiving compensation of any kind.

About Dr. Michael Sheps

Dr Sheps - FEATURE article A to Z News emFieldPro

The practice of Michael Sheps, D.C. specializes in high-intensity laser therapy, spinal decompression, and chiropractic care. His practice follows a “whole person” treatment philosophy. Rather than simply treating symptoms, Dr. Sheps analyzes the underlying causes of a patient’s discomfort and creates a treatment plan that is unique to the individual.

Dr. Sheps performs spinal and cervical manipulation to help relieve back and neck pain due to conditions like herniated and bulging discs, arthritis, pinched nerves and sciatica. An adherent to multidisciplinary, solutions-driven research, he offers other safe alternatives to surgery and medication. Some of these include treatment with Zimmer MedizinSytems’ OptonPro high power laser, the emFieldPro High Energy Inductive Therapy, and extracorporeal shockwave therapy. Additionally, he has developed patent-pending protocols for pain management and musculoskeletal treatments that combine laser therapy, cryotherapy, decompression, shockwave therapy, muscle stimulation, and sequential compression.

Over the course of his 36 years in practice, Dr. Sheps has developed chiropractic and patent-pending pain management protocols that have won the trust of professional athletes, the US Department of Defense’s Wounded Warriors program, celebrities, and patients seeking relief.

The office of Dr. Sheps is located in Los Angeles, California. To learn more about his practice and services, visit the website at You may also visit Pacific Coast Sports Medicine online at

About emFieldPro by Zimmer MedizinSystems

emFieldPro is a High Energy Inductive Therapy (HEIT) device. The non-invasive system, manufactured by Zimmer MedizinSysteme, generates a magnetic field of up to 3 Tesla, which is about 600 times stronger than a normal magnet. This strong magnetic field stimulates nerves cells, muscles, and blood vessels. emFieldPro is FDA-cleared for treatment of clinical indications such as muscle spasm relaxation, prevention or retardation of disuse atrophy, increasing local blood circulation, muscle re-education, immediate post-surgical stimulation of calf muscles to prevent venous thrombosis and maintaining or increasing range of motion.

emFieldPro therapy offers full and painless penetration. The system offers both static and dynamic applicators, for flexibility in treating different pain and trigger points. No-contact transducers eliminate any need for patients to disrobe, facilitating a comfortable therapeutic experience.

For over 50 years, Zimmer MedizinSysteme, the German parent of the American company, Zimmer MedizinSystems, has been an innovator in the field of medical device manufacturing. Their engineering excellence has resulted in the exemplary emFieldPro device, taking HEIT to new heights.

For more information about the Zimmer MedizinSystems emFieldPro device, please view a web overview of the product. You may also contact Zimmer MedizinSystems any time by phone or email.

Dr. Sheps on emFieldPro for “Immediate Results & to Accelerate the Rate of Healing”