Chiro Econ Case Study Article: emFieldPro and enPuls Therapies Help Avoid Above-Knee Amputation

“Over three years, the patient attended 258 physical therapy appointments with little or no improvement… Five months of HEIT electromagnetic therapy and one month of ESWT resulted in significantly more gains in the treatment of AMI and patella baja than over three years of conventional PT, including electric nerve stimulation.”

By Regina West; August 13, 2024

As seen in Chiropractic Economics magazine: Issue 13, August, 2024.

Scroll down to read the article in Chiropractic Economics magazine.  

Chiropractic Economics - Tomczak - emField enPuls FEATURE

In the latest issue of Chiropractic Economics, Rod Tomczak, M.D., Ed.D., presents a compelling case study on the use of Zimmer MedizinSystems’ emFieldPro High-Energy Inductive Therapy (HEIT™) and enPuls Advanced Radial Pulse Shockwave Therapy devices. The article, titled “Treat Arthrogenic Muscular Inhibition and Patella Baja with High-Energy Inductive Therapy and Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy: Avoiding an Above-Knee Amputation,” explores how these non-invasive modalities played a critical role in helping a 75-year-old patient avoid an above-knee amputation after being advised by his doctor that amputation was the only option to regain quality of life.

Despite undergoing five surgeries and attending 258 physical therapy sessions over three years with minimal improvement, the patient made significant progress after just five months of HEIT™ and one month of ESWT. These therapies not only improved muscle strength and flexibility but also helped restore the function of the affected limb, ultimately allowing the patient to avoid the drastic measure of amputation.

Essential Insights from the Article:

  • emFieldPro High-Energy Inductive Therapy (HEIT™): Utilizes electromagnetic fields to stimulate muscle fibers, nerves, blood vessels, and cellular signaling pathways, translating electromagnetic signals into biological signals at the cellular level.
  • enPuls Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT): Enhances healing by inducing microtrauma and promoting tissue regeneration.

The article underscores the importance of early identification and treatment of conditions like AMI with noninvasive therapies. These modalities offer a viable alternative to surgery and can prevent the need for invasive measures such as amputation.

Learn how Zimmer MedizinSystems’ devices are making a difference in patient outcomes. For a deeper dive into this invaluable research and to explore the full case study, scroll below to read the full article or visit Chiropractic Economics.

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You may also read the article in Chiropractic Economics Magazine, Issue 13: August, 2024

Chiro Econ - Avoidiing Above Knee Amputation - Dr. Tomczak - emFieldPro - Issue 13 8-2024

Related Z News Article – Read the Case Study Update Including X-Ray Images:

Chiro Econ Updated Case Study with X-Rays & New Details: Non-invasive emFieldPro and enPuls Helped Prevent Above-Knee Amputation

Chiro Econ Updated Case Study with X-Rays & New Details: Non-invasive emFieldPro and enPuls Helped Prevent Above-Knee Amputation

Zimmer MedizinSystems' emFieldPro and enPuls devices, featured in an updated Chiropractic Economics case study by Dr. Rod Tomczak, helped a patient avoid above-knee amputation after 258 PT sessions and five failed surgeries. This expanded report includes x-rays and additional details ...