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As Seen In

The American Chiropractor

SUMMARY: In the June, 2021 issue, The American Chiropractor featured this article about a treatment method for Frozen Shoulder using radial pulse therapy. The article explains, “Frozen shoulder (FS) is a common disorder characterized by a gradual increase of pain and limitation in range of motion of the glenohumeral joint.” The enPulsPro device by Zimmer MedizinSystems delivers the type of radial pulse therapy described in the article. Author, Dr. Farley Brown, discusses the treatment protocol he used with his patients to achieve 100% resolution of the condition. Dr. Brown concludes, “For the several patients I have treated using this technique, the average number of treatments was four to six with complete resolution.”
Read Dr. Brown’s paper and how radial pulse therapy accomplished this excellent outcome for his FS patients.